Global money local feel

Blaze makes international payments made simple. Send, receive, and manage money across borders—instantly and almost free.

Blaze Hero 1
Blaze - Pay your teacher
Blaze Hero 1
Blaze - Pay your teacher
Blaze Hero 1
Blaze - Pay your teacher

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Send Money
around the world

Transfer money instantly to friends, family, or business contacts around the globe. Blaze supports 34 countries, ensuring your payments reach their destination without delay.

Enjoy a Social
Payment Experience

See what’s up on Blaze–with Blaze’s network feed, see real-time updates of transactions and discover exciting things happening around you, like nearby events or vetted restaurants in expat hubs.

Pay Like a Local

Whether you're paying for a meal, buying something online, or settling up with friends, Blaze allows you to handle payments like a local, using the currency that’s most convenient.

Use payment links
to Pay Freelancers
and Vendors

Don’t worry about bank details—just create a Blaze Payment Link and share it. Request payments from clients or send funds to collaborators.

Nearly free transfers
between any global

Send US dollars to Mexico or Mexican Pesos to France. Use any global currency you prefer when paying friends or meeting people on the go. We use a digital US dollar as the underlying asset to ensure maximum stability and avoid currency fluctuations.

Supported countriesComing soon

CANCanadaUSAUnited StatesMEXMexicoGUAGuatemalaBLZBelizeHONHondurasSLVEl SalvadorNICNicaraguaCRICosta RicaPANPanamaCUBCubaDOMDominican RepublicHTIHaitiJAMJamaicaBHSBahamasTTOTrinidad and TobagoCOLColombiaVENVenezuelaGUYGuyanaSURSurinameECUEcuadorPERPeruBOLBoliviaBRABrazilPARParaguayCHIChileARGArgentinaURUUruguay

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